Oh, this was all a misunderstanding then! I wondered what was going on here. Thanks for clarifying! smile

Here is my main point:

But I also think that the education system could be doing more for our kids. Small victories will tend to remain pretty small, pretty local, if we don't start thinking bigger.

I think that what we are often given by the schools (or think we are allowed to ask for from the schools) to serve the special needs of GT kids tends to be more window dressing than substance. I think that until we get organized into a serious grassroots community willing to stand up and be counted--like that fight that the parents of developmentally disabled kids fought years ago--we're all going to keep fighting the same fights.

I don't mean that our education system literally does nothing. (And I have noted that some pockets do quite well, thank you very much!) I was attempting to be metaphorical, to make a "the emperor has no clothes" kind of statement...

But I should know better than to wax poetic about policy. Bad form on my part. blush
