Here is an interesting site to look at if you want to compare our education system to that of other coutries. I spent way to long looking at it tonight. The truth is we seem to be lousy at some things and really good at others.
My favorite measure was: student attitudes>report class disorder. Check out Italy!

I have not traveled extensively in this world, but I have had a chance to see school systems in a few other countries. While there is plenty to be fixed here, there are many things I am grateful for. I have taken a lot for granted, like running water, schools that meet a basic building codes, and simple availability, that much of world does not have. I recently visited a school in a 3rd world country that has no running water, an outhouse, and 40 kids crammed into a small room. Half the kids in the village don't even get to attend because they cannot afford the required pencils and notebooks. Education ends in 6th grade.

I know someone is going to say, but we are a first-world country, of course we are doing better than that. And that person would be absolutely right. We can do better and we should do better. There is a lot to be done and we are the people who can help make those changes. Still, I guess I'm a glass half-full kind of person and I am really glad that my noise-sensitive child isn't going to school in Italy! LOL!