Oh acs, I totally get what you are saying. A girl I work with visits Haiti every year with her family and her father runs a charitable organization that helps the kids there. They provide one meal a day at school, consisting of rice and maybe beans(?) and this is usually the only meal these kids get ALL DAY LONG! I was reading an article about how they are eating "dirt cookies" because they have no food. I also read how in Cambodia the supplier of rice to the schools (also the kids only meal in many cases) has decided to start selling the rice elsewhere as they can get more money for it. It just makes me so sad and just feel so blessed that we live in a country where I don't have to worry about where my children's next meal is coming from. Yes, we still have problems, don't get me wrong, but we have it so much better than others have it many other places in the world. I think things like this can really help put our challenges into perspective.

Count me in the "glass half full" camp too!!!!! smile