Well.....MrWiggly completed his third one hour session with the principal today. And without even having to have a meeting the principal informed us that MrWiggly will start the school year in 3rd grade math! Mr. Principal also stated that they intend to meet MrWiggly's educational needs ALL school year and that they are already prepared for making changes as the year progresses. Apparently Mr. Principal did a little instruction as well and had the opportunity to see how MrWiggly catches on rather quickly!

I feel so elated!!! Like I have scored a major conquest in advocacy! This is the principal who, last year, insisted that we had to enroll son in K and they would do their own assessment as the year progressed. He was previously adamant about NOT accelerating!!! Oh, I so hope that this effort pays off not only for MrWiggly but for others at the school, even in the district.

Now for being sure that the social/peer aspect goes well. The big thing is that MrWiggly is excited too. He is thrilled to NOT have to do 2nd grade math! There is no hesitation on his part in going to 3rd grade for the math class. So that should help us a lot. Wish us all luck!