Hi Debbie,
I do agree that the achievement tests don't seem to offer much by way of placement. If you had the time, I love the idea of NWEA's MAP test, which is used for NCLB testing but is taken on computers so that as the child tests correctly, it "levels up" and attempts to spend a majority of the childs time answering questions that are "just right." How cool does that sound? Problem is that it can't be done over the internet, only at testing centers. They were very nice when I called them, and maybe if you hurry, you can find a "local" school that is giving them this time of year, and your son can "sit in" - the results are availible with days, and the information booklet you get is very very specific. The tests were designed to be an aid to teachers to know how to reach each individual child. It tests Math and Reading.


If that doesnt' pan out, I would look into a "portfolio" approach. That means getting access to the schools "scope and sequence" for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade math, and basically submiting samples of his work that demonstrate that he can do what your district requires teachers to teach in 2nd grade. That way if 3rd grade isn't enough, you'll know it before the school year starts.

Does your district use State tests? If so, see if you can have him attend your 3rd grade and 4th grade testing days. they may want him to take the 2nd grade test also, which is fine if they don't start with that, he would be so insulted/dissapointed you may loose his cooperation. You will have to explain to your son that there will be plenty of items he hasn't got a clue about, and to the school that he may well score worse on the 2nd grade material than the 3rd or 4th grade material. If the material fails to engage the child, the child may not be able to muster the energy to check vigilantly at this age. This is normal for the maturity level.

Our school seemed to have past year tests floating around that they used for various unknown purposes. They maybe able to test him individually and see what he is doing. In some ways, no matter how bad the test, if it's a test that they are familiar with then it's the right test.

Best Wishes,
You are in my prayers -

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