Thanks for sharing stories and the words of encouragement. I was pretty surprised today when, after another hour of testing, the principal told me that he hadn't yet reached a stopping point! I was pretty sure that the content of the assessment would be getting too challenging by now - but he said son was still able to do questions, although some were definitely more challenging. I'm now just getting anxious for the testing to be completed and then hear what recommendations they come up with. And I'm so glad the principal is doing this himself - he is really getting to know MrWiggly which can only help in the future!

I'm glad to hear that the social thing is not an issue for your kids. MrWiggly has done great with the whole grade skip. No one really even suspects that he is skipped. He fits right in with the other kids, even physically. But we are in a small rural school with only one second grade (two 3rd grade classes though) so people are more likely to "find out" about him going up a grade level. The bottom line is that he will be standing out sooner or later if he continues at this pace much longer! I guess we just need to deal with it.

Dottie: That was reassuring to hear about how your son got cocky when the work was still too easy. My son has acted that way - pretty sure that he is the "smartest kid in the class" or even the school! He needs to be challenged so badly! Big fish in a little pond is NOT always a great place to be.