Katelyn'sMom, Do you have the book or are you just looking at the website? If you look at the book on page 53, it talks a little bit about motivation.

People can change their position on the continuum of levels when critical aspects of the environment--particularly their inner environment--change.... Some children have strong inner drives to keep reading and acquiring knowledge...

This is part of a much larger paragraph which is mostly in there to suggest that kids in unmotivating environments can end up at a lower level that what they are capapble of, but I read it to mean the motivation is part of what predicts a person's level.

I have a very smart happy-go-lucky kid. I think he could be a level 5 if he was driven to master things, but mostly he likes to hang out, ask questions, and play with his friends. Not that level 5's don't do those things, too, but the ratio of time spent and the intensity of learning are different.