We kept track of our daughter's first words. I had a website all about her for the first year (for relatives far away) and I would update that every so often with her new words. Their languages develops so quickly, so we didn't bother keeping track of her new words for very long. We did, however, keep track of her signs and made a note when she learned knew ones (this was only in the first year since she doesn't use them anymore). I found it useful to keep track so that when I left her with her grandparents I could remember to tell them her new signs so that they could understand her! I used to email them lists of the sings she new...wow I must have been an annoying new mom! lol

jojo, what sort of milestones are on the list? i don't keep track of anything! I guess maybe I should...one day she might ask me when she learned to walk up stairs etc. I will definitely be able to tell her that she started sleeping through the night 2 weeks before her second birthday! I won't forget that milestone (well maybe that isn't a developmental milestone (?), but it is definitely a huge milestone in this house!!!!)!