Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
So while reading through Ruf's book I am really hoping my kiddo is not a level 5 because level 3 and 4 is still a scary thing to have to consider but level 5 blows my mind!

Before I had my son tested during a time we were thinking of early entry to kindergarten, I thought, after reading Ruf's book "oh, he's definitely a level 3, maybe possibly a low level 4" and i was pleased after reading the book that i could rationalize to myself that he was not a "profoundly gifted" kid, which i considered to be level 5, and yes, scary. His testing came back in the PG range, and so I was freaked out, and also didn't quite believe it. Since he is still only 4, I still don't quite believe it, but I am happy in the knowledge that there are indeed all flavors of gifted, and even though my DS wouldn't look at casual glance to be PG, he has his moments. I found that in learning more about HG kids, I was able to be not freaked out or worried about his PG status. He's still my little pipsqueak, and we'll make do.

Keep in mind that there is very little research or published works on young HG kids, and Dr. Ruf's sample size is small. I found it a wonderful book to introduce me to levels of giftedness, which I didn't know about, and also to read stories that seemed to be about my child. I can see my kid as a 3, a 4, or possibly a 5-to-be, at various times.

Last edited by st pauli girl; 11/02/08 08:47 PM.