Hey, thanks everyone for your responses. It was such a dumb question I was afraid no one would respond!

I took DD to her ped yesterday for bronchitis and mentioned that she now has 200-300 words. Her ped said, "Wow, she's 22 months old... I look for 50 words at 24 months." That drove me to some lists of giftedness and some of normal language development. It looked like DD was at the 48 month mark in most language areas, so then I started wondering if I'm crazy or if she really does have a vocabulary of 900-1000 words.

Here's one site:


Jojo, I'd love to see your lists!

Ruf's list was confusing for me, I might have to purchase the book. DD is much earlier on some points (attention span of 60+ mins at 10 months), but later with other stuff (she doesn't know her colors, everything is "blue").

Anyway, I'm definitely not going to do any more note taking on her words. She's been saying motorcycle and helicopter for months now, in context, and pomegranate seeds. You name it. Last week she said to DH "Put down wine and make me a bath?" LOL! When she uses pronouns she does so correctly, (I say, "I'll go get you Lizard," and she responds, "You'll get me Lizard.") although she doesn't always choose to use them.