I agree that a more academically oriented preschool wouldn't be right. We looked them and thought they were wonderful but in hindsight, we realized DD was ahead of the curriculum.

The preschool sounds good for his social and play skills and just fun. What I meant, can you supplement? DD goes to ballet and gymnastics and group piano. We take her to Very Young People's concerts, ballet performances for young people. We take her to the Discovery Room at the museum where they have programs for young people and the young people intro to art at the Metropolitan Museum. We go to the zoo and aquarium a lot.

And we find that she likes playing with a mix of kids, usually older and discover new ways of playing. She went next door the other day and the mother told me the older girls were playing Monopoly, she shook the dice for them, asking about how to play, why they did things.

Everything can be supplemental, but I look for options for her curiousity.
