Thanks. Funny because when my DS was in his 3yo pre-k program he said he didn't really like it and the others didn't speak english because he couldn't understand him. He didn't really say that he liked it at all, and often didn't feel like going. He didn't fight it, but didn't love it. Then we took him out because of how the staff were reacting to him and frankly they truly didn't like him (which shocked me because I had never experienced that with anyone, everyone loves him). So then a month later he cries and says he is ready to go back. I felt awful. I still think it was the best choice but it made me sad. I would bet a week or so after he starts this preschool DS will say he doesn't really like it....but I don't really think he will feel that way. It happened this summer when we did swimming lessons. He would not want to go and then he would go and have a great time and say how he loved it and the next morning the cycle would continue, sigh. Glad the preschool is working out for you.

My DS's behavior at home is okay...but he he does like to test things. Lately it's the word 'poopy' It's driving me nuts. I just told him that I needed 15 minutes of mommy time (my first time all day) and then we could play a game together before his "nap" and he then emails me the word "poopy" so I replied and told him to go sit and time out. Not my typical parenting style, but it's got to end at some point. (I then followed up with him by talking with him about other positive ways to get attention). We don't have early entrance to K, and we have no good programs anywhere. New York sucks in fact. I love the state and everything, but there is no mandated gifted programming and our school doesn't have it so that is really frustrating. It's amazing what kids will learn by not doing real "schooling" or teaching. I swear we don't teach DS much of anything. We didn't teach him to read or sound out words at all and yet he was reading fluently at 2. He did fall in love with starfall at 16 months though, that helped.

Gotta run, it's DS and mommy time now.