I do think it is a decent price for the services being offered...just not really in our budget right now. But we will try and make it work. I know that we would regret not doing it. my DS is not highly creative at all, and extremely literal so I think that test would be good for him. I am glad you found a good specialist, I think it is really important to find others to relate to. I would also love for my DS to have some peers to relate to at some point. He has lots of friends, and all the kids love him actually at our church...but he does tend to be the class clown and just acts goofy with them. He is so different around other children than he is one on one. I would also like to meet a real life gifted child his age, LOL. I know they exist with people on line, but we have yet to meet any. he plays with older children and adults and relates well to them at least. I would bet we would definitely need to retest at some point because he changes so much so often, it is amazing. I guess gifted children in general do, but is still amazes me when he just starts doing random things that he should have no idea how to do. Thanks for the well wishes!