I am so glad to get some affirmation. I feel like I am doing the right thing with the pre-k we chose, but I just wonder sometimes. He is so excited to go. Friends do wonder if it will keep him stimulating...and I think a trampoline can keep him stimulated for quite some time, LOL. The 3yo program we chose last year said they didn't focus on academics...and then I found they would sit and review shapes and letters and things at circle time...so hopefully this pre-k doesn't do that. Nathan frequently got in trouble for running around in circles during circle time, and for hugging the other children and not stopping when the other kids told him to. They called this 'aggressive.' I asked 'was he trying to hurt them' they said 'oh no not at all, he is just wanting to play and hug them." Hmm.....I guess that is the new definition of aggressive. Anyhow, I digress. I am feeling much more positive and it is nice to see that others have had a positive experience with this with their children.
