I was where you are last year with my DD. She is also 11, a DYS. I was very, very concerned about her, as she hated school and she has always been SUPER-intense. We feared we were going to have a 10-year-old drop out. It was BAD. I love her dearly, but she is fiercely independent and not easy to parent.

We were lucky - she had a natural change in schools and the switch has been amazing for her. She happens to be in more challenging classes (including some acceleration, adding increased EF challenges, but not overwhelming to her), but with an even bigger school, she has met even more kids like her - we are lucky to live in a community where she is able to find so many peers...she does not "click" with everyone. Her friends? Quirky. SMART, creative - and it seems like this year she is just so much happier. She kept her old friends and made some great new ones. Breathing a sigh of relief and hoping something like this can happen for your DD. It is hard. I understand your concern. (((Hugs))) and we are here for you.