I totally agree. It is very sad. Actually I am in a good position to fight for him because I know the school systems very well as I am a school social worker. I work with a different type of population though as I work in an inner-city elementary school with pre-k and Kindergartners. So the students I work with typically struggle academically. I spend much of my days in CST and CSE meetings so I know the laws and how things work. All schools are different, but many things are about money. I am thankful that the school I am at now really is great...but I have been other places and have encountered districts pressuring schools to make decisions based on financial issues and what is best for the whole school vs. one highly gifted child. I am not sure how my DS would test on anything because he may just start answering strange things for fun, he can be like that. He is very math and verbal oriented though. When he was 3 1/2 he started doing word scrambles...he would think of words in his head, then write the words out in random order and ask us to guess what word they are. A few months ago he did xylophone, and computer. He is pretty good at figuring them out too...I would say he is easily as good as DH (and DH has said that as well and he was in the gifted program when he was a kid).

And I agree, I would rather be THAT mom. We are in for an interesting ride as he doesn't seem to know that he is smart yet. He will figure it out soon I am sure. He does seem to know that many other kids don't know things, but he also seems to think that they are teasing and pretending not to know.

thanks again.