Is maladaptive daydreaming (MD) a real disorder, different from ADHD-PI?

After reading quite a lot in the last couple of weeks about inattentive ADHD, including some of the references provided here, I found MD mentioned a couple of times and realized that it describes what is going with my daughter closer than ADHD-PI. I understand it can manifest similarly and definitely can result in lack of attention in class and reduced focus, but, correct me if I am wrong here, ADHD inattention is slightly different in nature and isn't caused by overactive imagination, but more like issues with impulse control, emotional regulations and anxiety, making it difficult for the child to focus even if she wants to.

The most common ways to address MD are the same things already suggested here - reminder watch (arriving today!), caffeine, CBT, diet, sleep...

The reason it caught my attention so much is because it describes me even better than my daughter, specially when people mentioned that they look forward to times of the day when they can indulge into their daydreaming guilt-free. For me it is the swim practices for my kids, night time etc. I know low interest things are a huge trigger for me, even during the work meetings. I sort of stay tuned in, but with minimal attention to the details. I am no Walter Mitty though. Not yet anyway.