ConnectingDots - when you put it like that it is so obvious. It is seeming like the best option.

syoblrig - I love to hear how your son became his happy self again when homeschooled AND that he was able to work ahead. Even with a day home I see that happening in my son. He spent a few hours joyfully learning about geography online and mastering States, capitals, countries around the world. This is sounding like the right path.

EmmaL - I hope you find a solution! Is it possible for you to do a distributed learning option?

spaghetti - You're right it is artificial. Adults often don't have a choice either (in the workplace at least). You're also right that being miserable isn't a great setting for learning how to cope.

We meet in two days to discuss accommodations. I hope it goes well. If not at least there are other options.

I'll write a follow up and let you know how it goes.

Thanks for all your comments! smile