I would keep a notebook or some sort of electronic document of non-compliance for your own personal use (in case you need it later), for instance "Sept. 18th--teacher didn't sign planner, and therefore a math assignment wasn't recorded and didn't get done." Don't necessarily email about every episode, but if it gets to be a regular occurrence with a certain teacher then email 504 manager (or whoever) and say "planner wasn't signed on 5 different dates, and it resulted in late assignments on 3 of them. Can we ask the teacher if there is a way to make it easier?" If the teacher comes back and says "that's not true", you have the dates and specifics.

The problem with all of this is that people get very defensive and want to pin the blame on someone else (most likely you or your DS). I also think a lot of teachers simply don't understand these sorts of disabilities, like ADHD, and think the kid is getting away with murder and just not trying very hard. They don't understand it's a real neurological difference. The Davidson article on "slow processing speed" is a good reference if people take the time to read it. It explains impaired executive functioning and everything. You could email it to everyone and say that it's going to all teachers so no one in particular feels like they are being lectured. Or maybe you have another article that is short and concise and summarizes the main points. It probably won't hurt and might help.