I'm sorry to hear about all of the frustrations. PM me what you changed with the drug and the effect because I think DD is on a similar combo.

Is the teacher that penalized him the same one that has been giving you other problems? I don't understand why he would take off points for participation if DS couldn't participate because he was absent. That sounds bizarre and retaliatory. But I would politely inquire about the "mistake" and hear the response before making any accusations.

Reading all of your posts about what appears to be rigid grading systems just makes me squirm. Is this what I'm in for in another two years or so?

Also, make sure that you are documenting what you are helping with in terms of homework, so that the teacher doesn't see his well formed answers and then conclude that there is no issue with your DS. I know that it is difficult, though, if there is the potential of him being kicked out of the program if he doesn't do well there (despite a disability). I really think that you need to get something in the 504 that he is not to be kicked out of the program if difficulties arise from the fact that he is 2e. I don't know if it's possible, or what the law says, but I would try.