Originally Posted by PanzerAzelSaturn
I'm not asking anyone to give my son 6 digit numbers to identify or ask him challenging math questions, I'm simply requesting that they not require him to answer stuff so far below his ability level and then call it poor behavior when they don't catch his fleeting attention with their boring requests. I'm perfectly happy if they just let him finger paint and work on some social skills. It is called PLAYgroup after all.
It's so difficult to be on the receiving end of (constant) negative narrative about "behavior." In fact, I hate the way people use the word (behavior). It's so judgment-laden when it should be observational.

I would make one suggestion: replace the word boring with inappropriate.

Are the reports you receive formal or informal? Do you have some sort of document (checklist, etc.)

I'm sorry because I know this is painful. Difficult enough to know your child has all these differences to contend with, not helpful when the other adults in the room want to attribute it all to volitional/willful misbehavior.

You'll need to teach him the things he can't intuit on his own, I guess. Also: I wouldn't even discuss the teacher "reports" with your DS at this point, if they are so off-base.

Last edited by eco21268; 07/17/15 06:40 AM.