Another poster who thinks what you are describing sounds completely normal, in fact could be older DS at the age of 8. FWIW, the answers your son gave to the math problems In your first post made total sense to me, all of them! It is exhausting, but frankly, once we had our ASD testing out of the way and it was clear that wasn't it, I did not focus on the 2e thing anymore, just asked myself "how is this impacting his functioning/our family/everyone's happiness and tried to find what worked for the very specific problem. Did he seem as if he had pragmatic speech disorder/ADHD/OCD/anxiety? All of it, some of the time. I did describe him to others as the "absentminded professor" and it helped reframe stuff,, even for people who had no reference for the G part of it until then.
Starting school early helped as did maturity. A lot of these problems have gone away or morphed into something else that is easier to deal with because it is easier to talk about...uh...non-linear stuff, for lack of a better word.
DS8 still has this odd thing that he gets super giggly when he needs to go, and will pee his pants then - so when he starts giggling uncontrollably about something only moderately funny, we yell at him to go! Go! Go! To the bathroom already. It's really this way round - not that he pees himself because he's giggling so hard, but that he giggles so hard because he has to pee. Go figure.
The distractibilty and the clumsiness...I am still that way, a bit, myself. I'm mostly functional, myself (though it drives my DH nuts, at times). I'll tell myself he will be okay, and theses days, most of the time, he is.