Thanks everyone smile We have all of the Amelia Bedelia chapter books and a few of the original leveled readers. I'm not too sure my son gets the humor. I explain that step on it means hurry up for instance, but I'm not sure he really gets that it's funny to step on something when someone says step on it as hurry up. Of course he does think it's funny that Amelia Bedelia steps on the pie and it makes a huge mess smile The old Amelia Bedelia stuff is hard for any kid to get these days I would think. No one sews anymore, so trimming the fat doesn't really make sense to any kids I know. People don't tend to say draw the curtains anymore either or a lot of the other stuff in the books. Of course I explain the meaning and how AB misinterpreted things, but I think it was probably more funny back when the books were written.

I'm glad to hear that density and giftedness aren't mutually exclusive smile Some of the answers my son gives to questions are just complete face palm moments, lol. We read a book and I'll ask why he thought the character did what it did. "Because he is brown." Really? You think the mouse ran away because it is brown? I'm not sure if he's just being lazy or if he thinks colors influence motivation in some way. OTOH, he has told numerous times that the one part of a local highway is the red section because it smells red (when I asked him what red smells like he said spicy and waxy), so who knows what colors mean to this kid.