I'm not talking about tiny kids when I say it isn't about being with your friends. I understand that all kids (all people, really) would probably prefer to be around friends for activities. But when your kid is in middle school or high school, and your kid likes soccer and their friends like cross country (or football, field hockey, etc.) does your kid quit soccer and run instead?

My kids are not about the unstoppable pursuit of excellence. My kids are not great athletes - my older two have had interest from DIII coaches, but they will never be DI material. They do enjoy playing their sport with others around their skill level. It is not enjoyable to play on teams with others who are far more or far less skilled than you are, even if those others are your friends.

The discussion started with an article about gifted girls in middle school. They tend to lack self-esteem, lose interest in STEM, adhere to stereotypes, etc. These girls probably tend to hang out with their friends in whichever activities the friends choose. I thought it was all about pursuing your interests, being confident and not succumbing to stereotypes.