mom2one - I'm in a hurry so not much time to post, but fwiw - here content started mattering in 4th grade. 2nd/3rd grade writing was all about getting ideas out. OTOH, even in first grade, the teachers were having the students focus content on a single subject per writing exercise, and they also had kids proofreading for things like neatness and catching punctuation/capitalization etc errors - they limited it to something small like one or two per assignment when the children were really little, but they did include that as part of what was important to be thinking of while writing. I'd try to find your state/school district curriculum guidelines to see what is expected in your area (you should be able to find the curriculum expectations by grade online).

If idea generation and initiation is a challenge, I have a few suggestions I could share via pm that our SLP used with our ds. Our ds' writing remediation (that made any difference - for him) came through speech therapy, and his first year or so of speech therapy was all about idea generation / initiation. They are things that aren't "writing" specific - a lot of it is verbal, but helps get thoughts moving "out" smile

If his writing is going to be assessed at the beginning of the next school year, I'd request the TOWL. This may also sound odd, but I'd pay attention to his verbal communications. When our ds was your ds' age, we thought writing was the issue - but it wasn't the *full* issue - the issue was related to expression (both verbal and written). Our ds was extremely verbal when he was young - never stopped talking or asking questions, and his vocabulary was very advanced, so we never suspected he was having any difficulty with verbal communications until he was in 4th grade, and he started telling us when he just couldn't get a thought together or get it to come out in words.

Best wishes,
