We had one teacher state that DD would be better off getting interventions in the classroom for writing because those classroom teachers are the literacy experts, blah blah, and that special ed is more for behaviorally challenged students, not kids like DD. Ummm, if classroom interventions were going to be tried on DD it would have been nice if they had been done, say, three years ago? The classroom teachers have no clue what her issue is. They probably don't even know what "dysgraphia" or "executive functioning" are. They also don't have time to work with her for more than 1 minute, and unless they plan on pulling her into the hallway every time she needs to write and giving her a pep talk, because she's crying and refusing to write, and come up with a plan with her about what she's going to write about, their regular ed "interventions" are not going to be of much use. So yeah, this is the kind of nonsense people have been trying to dish out to me left and right, trying to convince me that an IEP is a bad idea and I should just let it go. They insist DD can do just fine without any special services, meanwhile no one does anything at all. They couldn't even bother themselves to initial her planner.