Originally Posted by aeh
3. emotional/behavioral regulation (including frequent, specific, and authentic praise and encouragement, positive reinforcement for successive approximations of desired behavior (shaping), explicit modeling of prosocial behaviors, cueing for taught strategies)

You can still list the specific accommodations under the groups, but they should be easier to grasp and execute in a concerted fashion, if they are clustered.
This is great info. aeh--are there any written resources of which you are aware that explain these interventions (particularly the emotional/behavioral) in layman's terms?

These sound like good strategies for functional behavior at home, too.

mom--I hope you have a good experience with your 504 meeting. Is it soon? I will be watching like a hawk. It sounds like our sons have similar characteristics.

Last edited by eco21268; 05/12/15 03:23 AM. Reason: punctuation