Thanks, eco.

What I'm doing, currently, is trying to learn more about pragmatic language and being much more concrete and direct with my son re: school and the teacher's attitudes and perceptions. (That has nothing to do with your 504, but just something I wish I'd known a LONG time ago.) I've mostly avoided telling my son things having to do with the teachers' commentary, because so much of it was negative and unhelpful. I'm learning how to translate for my son and wish I'd known about "social communication" issues a long time ago. He is 12--we missed a lot of opportunities.

This is what I am hoping to do as well. I really worry a lot about this aspect. Right now, I think he is internalizing himself as a child who cannot satisfy his teacher no matter what. He is awesome at other places (his after-care, his after school enrichment activities) that it worries me sometimes.

If homework isn't causing a lot of stress and upset for your DS (and family), then no big deal. It's very overwhelming to have a child who struggles at school and then to have to continue that dynamic at home every night. [/quote]

Homework is mostly okay. I am always around the kitchen table where he does his homework. I think my presence, for some reason, enables him to focus and get it done in a reasonable amount of time.

However, I hear horror stories about the volume and time expectations of homework in third grade (homework given on wednesday, due the next day. Apparently, this is the case pretty much through the week). I think the charm of homework will wear off pretty quickly, with my kid. So, perhaps, I should ask for extended homework time.

Thank you again. Very helpful.