I'm going to give feedback (even though I am really not qualified) based on having been both a classroom teacher and dealing with 504 issues this year.

To be workable, the 504 accommodations should be ones that a teacher (not para) could be reasonably expected to follow while teaching the entire class.

I think your best bet, if you want to ensure the 504 is implemented consistently, and that you can track it--would be to remove the accommodations that are more vague or TOO specific and about "classroom culture" and leave the ones that can be directly measured.

e.g. "Provide reassurances and encouragement vs. correction and criticism at a rate of 4:1" I really like this one but it would be difficult for anyone to track it. I'm brainstorming here, but maybe there is a way to state it differently. Would there be a way to ask for redirection to be couched in a positive framework? Truly, I have no idea what that looks like on (504) paper. I don't know if you are allowed to provide examples. "I notice you are having trouble switching gears. I need your eyes here and your pencil here."

How old is your child? There a couple other things I notice in this that I would want to address, and that also take some pressure off the classroom teacher. I would ask for X number of days (to include a weekend, if possible) to complete unfinished assignments, including homework. To me, 45 minutes is too much homework for a young child, especially one who has spent considerable energy keeping himself glued together all day in school.

Also: I would not ask for daily behavioral report (but that is just me) but weekly. I am saying this not as a parent or teacher but as a counselor who has witnessed the anxiety these sorts of interventions produce in children. In a perfect world, a teacher would/could provide immediate feedback to a child but that is not how it plays out, and kids end up internalizing they are just "bad kids" or "bad students" without ever understanding exactly what it is they are failing to do. It's been *way* more effective for me to receive a weekly report and then translate for my son. YMMV

I could say a lot more, here, but will leave it to more seasoned parents to comment.