I was considering sensory processing disorder a couple of years ago. But the pediatrician was not concerned and didn't see it necessary to evaluate. She actually said to have him checked for giftedness since she suspected it had something to do with overexcitebiilities. This is the same pediatrician who when my older son was about a year old told me that he was probably profoundly gifted. She ended up being right.

I told my older son about the fact that his brother listens to the air conditioner in the classroom. He is in the exact same classroom my older was when he was in kindergarten. His response was; "yes I know all about that, I did it too, I'm sure it is because he's bored. That's what it was for me." Interesting information to say the least. :-)

Noise does bother him to a certain extent. So does bright lights. But he can handle it pretty well now. Sometimes, when he is already emotional or doing something important, the noise level seems to bother him more. I think it is overwhelming when there are a lot of different aspects hitting him all at once..