My DS5 is in Kindergarten. Early entrance. Just had the conference with his teacher.

She was commenting on the fact that he does not seem to understand directions very well. Simple tasks he turns into something completely different and does them incorrectly.
A brief background:

1. He was tested at 3 1/2 because we wanted to rule out SPD and a couple of other concerns. They came to the conclusion he is gifted and definitely leaning toward being Visual Spatial. What level gifted we don't know. He maxed out many sections on the test, but missed some on the way. Very uneven. Age related they said. (His 7 yo brother is PG)

2. His way of thinking is VERY unique. He does not seem to have the "regular, straight forward" way of thinking. Very reflective, observant. Thinks "out of the box". Highly abstract.

3. Questions everything. Picking things I say apart, challenging what I say. Asks a million questions if we are to do something new. "What about if...? What happens if...?" Seems to need the big picture to feel OK, otherwise gets anxious.

4. THRIVES on highly challenging, complex ideas. HATES doing easy tasks. Is not afraid of difficult tasks. Gets careless when things are too easy.

Honestly, I know what she is talking about. I see it too. Sometimes he do I say this..."not very bright", since he can not finish simple tasks his class mates do with ease.Then he turns around a finishes a 3rd grade math sheet (which I bring in) with ease. (This fact the teacher NEVER comments on, but that is another issue...:-/)

I am wondering what this could be? Does anyone have experience with this? Could it be a learning disability, processing issue?

The thing is though, he does grasp much harder concepts with ease and seem to have no problem listening to the instructions. He seems very uneven with what he picks up and doesn't. Also, he was reading (by sight, no phonetic reading) before 3 years of age, but couldn't tell be what a triangle was until he was 4. Seems he gets "stuck" on certain things. Things that he should be able to know and do.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Last edited by 1111; 03/20/15 09:44 AM.