Most of your description could easily be used to describe my DS. He did the WISC at 6.5 and had subtest scores all over the place ranging from 99.6%ile down to 2%ile. He was labeled gifted with a probable LD in processing speed. His working memory was also low by comparison.

He's now almost 9 and we're retesting next week to confirm the LD so he can qualify for AT (a laptop). In our case he struggles with writing. He wasn't an early reader and was considered behind until this year. Now things seem to have clicked and he's reading above grade. Math and science have always been his strengths. Most of his million daily questions were science related and we read a lot of non-fiction. DH and I are both engineers so he's exposed to more science than your average kid. He's currently accelerated a year in math which is NEVER done in our board. It isn't enough but it took 2 years of advocating to get anything and it is a slight improvement.

Anyway, not sure if any of that helps but figured I'd share since so much of your description seemed to match. I'm sure I'll be posting once we finish testing and get whatever new labels they think fit.