Aeh , yes, he was able to put shapes together with ease. Seeing the patterns and placing the triangle the right way long before actually being sure of its name. Also around 4 he stared doing " Q-Bits" which is highly visual. I also remember at age 3 when I woold ask him about shapes he responded "Stop bothering me with details." It seems sometimes things are just not important to him so he doesn't bother with it.

Blackcat , I am not sure I would call it a focus issue. I don't know what exactly is happening in school, but at home he pays attention but just seem to overthink, and complicate things. He will ask lots of questions before answering, trying to cover every possible detail, "But this is...", "That makes no sense...", "You mean this or this...". I try to tell him to just answer the question, but there is usually not just a simple answer for him. There are always a bunch of different angles.

Things at school seem to be similar, but she also showed me work samples where he had drawn in the box he was supposed to write and vice versa. Another sample was he was supposed to circle 4 groups of 5 shoes and then count the groups by 5. He counted each shoe by 5 and ended up with 100 the it was supposed to be 25.

Chay, I will be curious to hear what the testing reveals. I am thinking my DS's processing might be low once he tests. But again, he just reflects so much. When he is reading he has to stop at each page and look at the pictures first, sometimes pointing out details I never even thought of. He is also much into predicting things by looking at pictures. He has done this since he was 2. So obviously this looks like he is slow at processing. He just sits there with his eyes fixed on the page, soaking it all in. This is also a kid, who at age 2 cried and refused to wear a pair of camoflauge pajamas because " It looks like people who are crying." And at age 2 looking at a painting of a deer in our house asking slightly irritated " Why is that deer looking at me like that?"

It will be interesting to see what the testing tells us once we can do it. I am considering doing an achievement test for now. I am thinking they might be able to pick up some signs from that about possible issues. I just really wish I had more to go on heading into 1st grade.