This thread is hitting a nerve today. Getting 1st grader DYS DS6 ready for school today, and he was in a VERY bad mood, wailing, "I don't want to go to school! I'm not learning anything!" Of course, I tried to cheerlead him, "Of course you are, honey! And you will see all of your friends."

It is getting harder to talk him through the rough spots, though - his most recent math achievement scores came back... showing that he is on pace with the gifted 4th grade math class at our high performing schools (or 6th grade for the "regular" students; school's data is consistently above national average). shocked

When I recently talked to the teacher though (because this isn't the first time DS has sounded unhappy), she was incredibly focused on the importance of exposure to all of the grade-level standards and the fact that DS occasionally has made a computation error (and he is already a budding perfectionist - ugh!). I'd hope she reads and understands these new scores, but I'm afraid she might just look at the 99% again and set them aside.