GS8(will be GS9 in 5 days!) reverses whole letters like 'b' & 'd'. I told him a trick to use is think of the word 'bed', make the 'OK' sign with both hands, hold them to together, and it looks like 'bd', or 'bed'. Other reversed letters are a bit harder, like 'p' & 'q'. I've told him they face each other when saying the alphabet, but he forgets to check. Other letters like 's', or numbers '2' & '5' are troublesome. While reading, or doing math, he seldom makes errors. He makes most of the errors when writing.

Another thing that causes him problems writing is actually forming the printed letter. When printing, we are taught to begin at the top and go down, or begin at the left and go right. He ends with mostly the correct form, but he creates it in reverse order, starting at the bottom or right and going in reverse. I've come to the conclusion that he learned to write on his own, he was never taught the typical way of forming letters. For several reasons, we had temporary custody off and on from the time he was 19 months for periods of 5-6 months at a time, until we got permanent custody when he was 5 1/2. He was drawing and coloring quite well at 19 months, he was making some letters. Somewhere along the line, he knew his letters & numbers, and already had a set pattern of making them. I think most of what he knew at 19 months was due to watching 'Blues Clues' videos non-stop.

When school starts again I think we'll get him back into swimming lessons and piano again.