I've been facilitating DS to play the piano all of his life. He has shown interest off and on but for the past year has really seemed interested. What I found most interesting is that I learn music by reading it. While he can read music, he tells me the notes jump around on the page and he can't keep up with them. However, he can play almost anything if he hears it once or twice. He also plays with boths hands with chording and shading. In fact, at times, other family members aren't sure if it is me or him playing if they aren't in the room. He took up drums at the beginning of the year as well. So far he is really enjoying having to coordinate so many motions at the same time.

I am realizing that he is a very visual Spacial learner. I think I've been in deep denial on that point for years. I'm really not sure what his dominant side is. If he takes after me, it will be mixed.