Thanks! You have given me a lot to read and think about. His sister is left handed, and in doing some of the tests i find out I'm mixed as well (right handed, left eye). What I am most concerned about is how frustrated he gets in trying to learn or tackle new things. He gets easly frustrated if the task isn't broken down into small steps. Once he understands, and he has great ability to focus. He can work on difficult puzzles for a long time. As he enters Kindergarten, and turns 6, I want to help understand how he learns. His school has been using handwriting without tears. In several cases he can indetify letters sound before he can tell me the name. I think his left brain and right brain need to learn how to talk to each other so he can organize, classify, and recall his thoughts. I'm realizing that we will have to employ all of his sense when teaching him things that need to be recalled, such as letter names. I'm concerned that the first few years of school are going to be tough, and I want to find ways to help. Any recommendations for how to get his left and right brain working together better. I've seen piano (we don't have one)on the board. How about gymanastics? What else?

Thanks for all the advice so far!