Hi and thanks again.

I am practically homeschooling him at home in the afternoons now, but this is because he demands this insistently. This is not going well. He is ferociously strong willed and wants to follow his own agenda. He can read and write, but is left handed and writes in circles around the page. He can read it so will not try to write in lines.

Also I would not describe myself as particularly academic and am unable to keep up with his aggresive quetioning. He has recently started to discover negative numbers but I am not maths minded and cannot explain things to him. He then loses his temper and stomps off. I am convinced that I am not the right temperament to teach him. He often comes out with stuff that he has worked out by himself and when asked says, "I just know it"

I have charted his behaviour with the abc method for a long time and his out of bounds behaviour always occurs when he perceives he is not the centre of attention or is understimulated. His ideal level of stimulation and activity is up at five am and question and follow me round till school until eight thirty. Sometimes play with lego for up to two hours, but still talking. Then off to school, park for lunch, out in the afternoon and then back at home for "activities", even whilst eating. Then constantly on the go until he literaly passes out at ten pm. If any of this is not forth coming he acts out and is impossible to ignore.

He has his trial day at reception today. Time will tell. They appear to be more concerned that he is on the 0.04 percentile for height and 50th percentile for head!