Thanks everybody.
He goes to pre school five mornings a week and starts school full time in september. I am dreading that as the goals for reception are counting to twenty, writing your name and so on. He is currently about two years on from that. I do not work and support elderly parents which takes up a lot of my time. He is bored rigid but as I have no evidence to show school I am unable to approach them. The latest incident took place at the local park when three other boys from pre-school turned up and he ruthlessly tormented them. He is very young emotionally. I gave two warnings and then we left. He does play with lego a lot, but I feel he is lonely and craves interaction with six to seven year old children. This can't happen as they are all in school. Other activities are out of the question as I live on state benefits. I am counting the days to school.

Another problem is that he constantly seeks interaction and stimulation and does not sleep. I guess I just wanted to hear that others have btdt. All his peers(age) go home and play quite contently..