hi everybody

Thanks again. It is so nice to talk to those who truly understand. I cant reply to all as have booked this for a limited time. However to add to the equation it would seem that there is another dimension to this. There is a child who is the same age who has some mobility problems and wears a nappy. It would seem that some of the children have been teasing and gossiping about it. My mother uses a wheelchair and ds is very aware of where disabled can park, is the space big enough and so on. There is also another child who is on the autistic spectrum. Ds is very friendly with a child at church who is eight and also on the spectrum with a high iq. It would seem that he is very put out at that children are poking fun at this child. He has always been empathetic to others who he perceives as less fotunate than him(although not always acting on this) Just thought Id throw that in there.

You are probably right Grinity when you say that school may not be the answer. He apparently responded to the question "How high can you count?" with "I could tell you but then you would die." "Why is that?" Big sigh. "Because if I counted up to infinity then I would die first and as you are older than me then you would die first." She knows that he can read too, but apparently makes them all go back to the the beginning. Scholarships are only available in year three upwards here(England). And they have knocked acceleration on the head as it is a heavily oversubscribed school and class sizes are capped at thirty.
Love to all