Oh dear!
Originally Posted by rachibaby
You are probably right Grinity when you say that school may not be the answer. He apparently responded to the question "How high can you count?" with "I could tell you but then you would die." "Why is that?" Big sigh. "Because if I counted up to infinity then I would die first and as you are older than me then you would die first." She knows that he can read too, but apparently makes them all go back to the the beginning.

Oh dear! I'm laughting and crying at the same time. This is exactly what I mean about abstract thought NOT being the language to impress elementary school teachers in - at least in the USA. I hope it's different and there is more appreciation for abstrct thought in the UK, but here these kind of stories 'slay' me, but bounch off the teachers.

Sorry I don't know the details of early school in England, but - how old are the kids supposed to be when they start year three? Perhaps you can approach folks there and see if they can admit him as a year three?

Also - what is the homeschooling situation? Once a kid get on their 'high horse' and starts tilting at windmills it's a lot of years before they have the maturity to realize, "Hey, we are all jerks in our own way, I can try to change my agemates' attitudes and behavior, but there is still a lot to love about them while I'm waiting.

This is the crux of asynchrounous behavior in my house. DS had the mentality to be upset by other people's bad behavior, but not the maturity to handle that awareness.

What happens if you bring your concernes about the way the disabled children are being treated to the school?

BTW, many of us have found that districts who say 'no way' to acceleration suddenly change their tune when looking at kids like this.

BTW2 - write down the infinity story and date it. Keep a journal of 'unusual' behavior, including his response to the other kids being mistreated. Next time he gets a round of testing be sure that the tester hears these stories. Also be sure that DS understands that you are trying to help the schools understand what he does and doesn't know so that school can be a place where he learns many things each day. Ask him what he thinks would happen if the tester got a chance to really get to know him...

LOve and more love,

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