Thank you for the link, aquinas! Your thread brought up a few other things that I failed to mention on my list (I was trying to hit the most amazing stuff, in my mind). My son can also throw and kick a ball--since about 12 months. He's even been able to catch, on occasion.

He also has a fascination with buckles/buttons, and gosh I wish I could tell you when he starting buckling himself into his feeding chair. I want to say it was definitely by 10-11 mos. For a long time I could tell that he was trying to do such things and got very frustrated when his fine motor skills weren't keeping up with his mental understanding of how he knew the buckle pieces fit together.

He seems to have amazing comprehension even though he doesn't talk. He's extremely laid back/easygoing and really seems to understand when I tell him things that should be disappointing to other children his age, "Okay, we're going home now, so say goodbye to the (toy) train." I'm not saying he's never thrown a tantrum, but it's rare.

He played with a racecar track toy at the store with three cascading levels and after a few failed attempts at getting the cars to fall fast enough off the first level (by placing them too low on the incline), figured out that he had to place them higher on the track to gain enough momentum. It just seemed to me that he shouldn't be able to figure out something like that at his age.

On an entirely different note... he sleeps rather decently, thank heavens.