Also wanted to mention for pre-verbal, it shows in their art work / crayon drawings.

I want you to be prepared. You might understand your family history and yourself, but it can shake you when you see it in your child.

I recommend mourning the loss of the ability to have a 'normal' child. That might sound strange, but I think it is necessary. Also, I have noticed that gifted people tend to give a 'heads up' to their partner before having a child together.

You will have wonderful moments of joy, but it is very different from having a 'normal' child.

The artwork never looked the way 'it is supposed to.'

The child has very strong preferences and you can tell even at pre-verbal stages.

All of the marketing and commercials, for the most part, show 'average' babies. They don't show the 24 month year old who is debating their parents.

I had to let go of any idyllic version and just deal with the reality of it and accept it and the fact that no one notices that your child skips over the 'normally' beloved books.

Honestly, they make you feel 'weird' if you don't follow all of the baby-ways. So, it is okay that these infants come into the world at a different stage or however the experts want to explain or discuss it.