Magenta, I think it's normal to wonder. I tried to plan ahead too but we're facing K decision for next school year and I haven't gotten a clue to what we're going to do. DD changes and shifts so much that I can't predict what her needs are going to be in a year. I'm hoping to avoid changing school often since I moved a lot growing up and I want DD to have the stability of growing up with a set of friends.

Originally Posted by puffin
It is funny though my one who has tested PG was easier to reason with at 2 than he is at 7 and learnt stuff through sheer persistance.

Change 7 to 4, that'd my DD. There are certain things that come very naturally to her that she picks up through observations but then she works really hard for everything else and does not let up until she gets it.

Originally Posted by puffin
My younger who tests lower does that watch then do thing and will never actually admit to being wrong so can't be reasoned with - I have always put this down to perfectionism.

Perhaps it comes down to perfectionism but I still find it amazing that some people can skip the practice phase and go straight to mastery. When your younger DS finds his passion and directs his energy into it, he might really take off despite his perfectionism and stubbornness, or even because of them.