@Mana - Your comment made me laugh because that's so like my daughter. It was like a switch was flipped shortly after she turned three and we had our first ever screaming reaction to something. It totally shocked me. She still is a very mature three, but she's three for a fact. Ha.

To the OP: My question is this.. why does it matter? At such a young age, there really is no reason to know for sure. With every young child you just want to keep introducing them to the world around them. It sounds like you're giving your child plenty of opportunities to grow but I wouldn't bust out the workbooks or anything. By the time my daughter was 18 months or so I really began to get suspicious about her being gifted (I was tested as gifted as a child myself) but I feel like I 'knew' by the time she was two. She is about three and a half now and hasn't been tested but if she tested and wasn't gifted I'd be pretty shocked. Not only is she ahead in academics (around a K-1st level on most things) but she has so many of the common emotional gifted characteristics as well.

I am not personally going to test her unless a need arises for school reasons or whatever reason she might need that label. I just do my best to try and keep up with her super active little mind and keep her enriched.

Z - 01/23/11 and O - 05/12/13