Magenta - you've received some great advice. I think you are on the right track and YOUR intuition about your DS is probably right on. Enjoy him - be amazed - that is part of what makes his current age so special.

As for crawling - I have 2 DC, one tested (and then some, thanks to our test-happy schools wink ), one with only some achievement testing (was very high). I've treated them both as "bright children" from early on (before a single test was performed), because that is what I observed. DD9, a DYS, never crawled. She rolled (seriously wink ) very, very early, though, and VERY EFFECTIVELY (getting into EVERYTHING she wanted to) and seemed to conclude that this was a great way to get around (no older siblings to model, and I think this matters). She briefly "hitch crawled" (not a true crawl), before walking at 12 months - NOT early by most standards. DS6 on the other hand, clearly wanted to FOLLOW older DD from very early on. He was an EXCELLENT crawler, and was walking by 9 months (walking VERY well by 10 months). They both seem very, very bright - although like many siblings, their strengths are in different areas. I've concluded the crawling milestone was rather unimportant for them.

The one take away I have - parental intuition is huge. Time will tell, but you are probably not imagining amazing things. Write at least some of them down. Enjoy the wonder of this time with him, because it will go quickly! smile