Hi Brittany,

I'm sorry I'm late to jump on and say hello, but better late than never! I have a 2 year old son (he'll be 3 in 2 weeks)who has been reading for about 4 months. He continues to shock the heck out of me on a daily basis. Yesterday, he logged into my husband's cell phone contacts, added his name "Graham" and our telephone number by himself. Um, yeah. smile

Anyway, I certainly have the same concerns you do and can share how we are handling things. I found a pre-school/daycare that we love...very play based with a little academics thrown in. I've also started researching school districts since we plan on sending him to school. We have settled on a small district that has a lot of GT kids and knows how to work with them. I had a phone conference recently with their Director of Special Services and the GT Coordinator for all of Hamilton County (Cincinnati area). I can't tell you how cool it was to explain a little bit about my son, and have school people actually tell me they support early entrance, grade skipping and subject acceleration, start evaluation in K and have specialists that do GT testing in the district services so we won't have to pay out of pocket. Music to this befuddled mom's ears!

This nirvana school district requires a house sale and an in area move for us, but we're willing to do that.

Long story short is we indulge him and his quirky GT stuff (reading phone books, playing with calculators, etc) at home and encourage him to play with friends at school. So far, so good.

I think the biggest thing for me was getting beyond the denial of it all and starting to think down the road a bit. And this board has been a great source of support!