Thanks! These have been really helpful so far! That part about having to censor myself TOTALLY hits home!! I think some people just pretend to believe me. My sister outright says "nuh uh!! She's not olde enough for that" I'm comfortable with her enough that I say "wanna bet?!" and then we prove it :-) But the rest of the world.... gosh... I feel like if I talk about our daily life people will thik I'm just bragging or making stuff up!

My daughter is very active. She loves to run and play and I give her lots of time to just FIND things to do on her own so she can explore and be creative. I try to remember that just letting her play and imagine is really important too. There are times in the day though where she seems to want to be acedemic.... weird.
:-)... but really... she'll ask me to remind her which letters say what sounds and she'll coach me and tell me "what's this one? look at it again... very good!" hee hee. And she really enjoys reading the short words I make for her with her magnet letters. I don't want to structure time where she HAS to do this stuff.. I don't want to burn her out. But I do want to make the most of the Xnumber of minutes a day when she wants to practice letters and numbers and stuff. I want it to be fun too. That math game that someone reccomended looked great. Thanks!
I have her on the waiting list at a pre-school that said they would concider taking her before she turned 3. She already visited for a day and did just as well as, if not better than, the 3, 4, 5 year olds that had been aclimated to it all year. I think that helped them decide it would be okay to have her. and she LOOOOOVED it. SHe wanted to go back the next day. I really want her to have that opportunity if I can. It has become really annoying trying to set up playdates! So something we can count on would be good. I donno... I guess I'll just wait it out and let God take control. If pre-school next year is best I'm sure He'll open a spot up for her. If not... next year!... Or maybe by then things will have changed enough that we decide against it... Things to change fast! Thanks for the advice on reevaluating. That's a really helpful tip! Now that you mention it I can see how important that would be with kids that learn and change sooo fast!

Any other comments and ideas and tips would be great!!!

Are puzzles a really good one? What other activities are captivating, fun, and educational?