Thanks! I'm glad you guys are confirming what I've been suspecting. I figured that ALL parents think their kids are little superstars and I didn't want to be just projecting. It feels sooooooooo good to have people to talk to that understand. I feel like most other parents think I'm just bragging, lying, or judging them. Maybe they don't really think that but I'm self-concious about it. I am SO proud of my kids but it's hard to express that without feeling like I'm "superiorizing" them compared to other "average" kids. You know what I mean? I'm sure it's all old hat to you all but this is the first place I feel like I can talk about that! Had to get it off my chest! Thanks!!
That said...
Yeah my girl has been potty-trained for over a year so other than age she qualifies for any pre-school around here. I guess I'll pursue it to a degree... maybe make sure she gets some pre-school in within the next two school years... after that I KNOW she'd be bored out of her mind socially and academically....
thanks for the advice on tuition though. I'll keep her fast changing pace in mind. Also, I think I'll wait to test... maybe I'll never need to. Homeschooling will probably advance her enough that it will fall into place later.

Good advice! Thanks!~