and Madoosa, I actually think the sports stuff will be easier than the cognitive, personally. People seem to accept natural athletic giftedness FAR more than intellectual. It's not even that weird to see parents "hot-housing" their little baseball star, making them practicing all the time, training even when they don't want to, etc...because they want to have them reach their 'full potential' or 'get a scholarship', when they are older. It all seems very competitive. So the age thing may not be an issue at all as your little ones grow up. It's actually kind of funny (sad) how that kind of behavior is acceptable in sports (and even music to an extent), but in academics, even when you DON'T push your kid, but they are naturally advanced, you get the hairy eyeball from parents, and comments about how you have to 'stop teaching them', because they won't 'fit in', etc. etc. Kind of a weird double standard, no?